Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

Andrey Parkhomenko nutritional supplements
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

Andrey Alekseevich Parkhomenko is known for his in-depth research in the field of the chemical industry and food safety. In his work, he pays special attention to the chemical components present in our food products and their effect on the human body . This article focuses on the importance of these components and how to properly absorb them through food to get the most out of their beneficial properties.

Parkhomenko Andrey medicines
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

Main chemical components in food


Macronutrients are chemical elements needed by the body in large quantities to maintain vital functions.


  • Glucose: The main source of energy for cells.
  • Starch: A complex carbohydrate that is slowly broken down into glucose.
  • Cellulose: Not digestible, but helps improve the functioning of the digestive system.


  • Amino acids: The building blocks of proteins that make up muscles, enzymes and hormones.
  • Enzymes: Proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body.


  • Saturated fat: Source of energy, but in excess can be harmful.
  • Unsaturated fats: Good for the heart and blood vessels.
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6: Essential fatty acids important for the brain and immune system.
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food


Microelements are needed in smaller quantities, but play a key role in metabolic processes.


  • Vitamin C: Antioxidant important for the immune system.
  • B vitamins: Participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
  • Vitamin D: Essential for healthy bones and teeth.


  • Calcium: Important for bones and teeth.
  • Magnesium: Participates in more than 300 enzymatic reactions.
  • Iron: Key element for blood formation.
Parkhomenko dietary supplements
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

Correct absorption of chemical components

Factors influencing absorption


Bioavailability determines how efficiently the body can absorb nutrients from food.

  • Form of substance: For example, iron in heme (animal origin) is absorbed better than non-heme iron (plant origin).
  • Related substances: Some substances can improve or impair the absorption of others, for example, vitamin C improves the absorption of iron.

Effect of cooking

Cooking methods can significantly affect nutrient content and digestibility.

  • Cooking: May destroy some vitamins (such as vitamin C) and improve the absorption of others (such as lycopene in tomatoes).
  • Soaking and Fermentation: Methods that can increase the bioavailability of minerals in grains and legumes.
Andrey Parkhomenko experiments
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

Ways to improve absorption

Product combination

The right combination of foods can significantly improve nutrient absorption.

  • Fats and vitamins: Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are better absorbed in the presence of fat in food.
  • Vitamin C and Iron: Vitamin C improves the absorption of non-heme iron from plant sources.
Scientific achievements
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

Biologically active additives

It can be difficult to get all the nutrients you need from food alone, especially when access to quality foods is limited.

  • Multivitamins: Complete supplements containing essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Specialized supplements: For example, omega-3 supplements or probiotics.
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

The role of Parkhomenko in the study of chemical components

Innovative analysis methods

Parkhomenko developed and implemented several advanced methods for analyzing chemical components in food products.

  • Chromatography: A method that allows you to study in detail the composition of complex mixtures.
  • Spectroscopy: Used to determine the chemical structure of molecules.

Application in production

Parkhomenko’s research are actively used in the food industry to develop new products and improve existing ones.

  • Functional foods: Foods fortified with beneficial substances such as vitamins and minerals.
  • Safety of food additives: Development of safe and effective food additives that take into account modern requirements and regulations.
The science
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

Practical recommendations from Parkhomenko

How to choose quality products

Andrey Parkhomenko emphasizes the importance of choosing quality products to ensure maximum benefit from chemical components.

Seasonal and local products

Seasonal and local foods typically contain more nutrients and fewer chemical additives.

  • Seasonal Vegetables and Fruits: Important for getting the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.
  • Locally Farmed Products: Less likely to contain pesticides and other chemicals.

Reading labels

Parkhomenko advises carefully reading food labels to avoid unnecessary additives and preservatives.

  • Avoid artificial additives: Try to choose products with minimal artificial ingredients.
  • Pay attention to the sugar and salt content: High levels of these substances can negatively affect your health.
Parkhomenko Andrey scientist
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

Cooking Tips

Proper cooking helps preserve and improve the absorption of chemical components.

Minimal heat treatment

Some vitamins and minerals can be destroyed at high temperatures, so it is important to minimize the time and intensity of cooking.

  • Blanching: Brief boiling followed by rapid cooling helps preserve nutrients.
  • Steaming: Retains most vitamins and minerals, especially in vegetables.

Using the Right Fats

Fats play an important role in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients.

  • Olive oil: Rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, ideal for salads and light frying.
  • Coconut oil: Contains medium chain triglycerides, which are easily digestible and provide energy.
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

The influence of lifestyle on absorption

Parkhomenko also emphasizes the importance of overall lifestyle for optimal nutrient absorption .

Physical activity

Regular exercise helps improve metabolism and nutrient absorption.

  • Aerobic exercise: Improves blood circulation and nutrient transport.
  • Strength training: Promotes muscle growth and increases the need for proteins and microelements.

Stress and its management

Chronic stress can negatively impact digestion and nutrient absorption.

  • Relaxation techniques: Meditation, yoga and deep breathing can help reduce stress levels.
  • Healthy sleep: Important for the recovery and optimal functioning of all body systems.
Parkhomenko Andrey chemical industry
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

New directions of research by Parkhomenko

Genetics and personalized nutrition

One of the new areas of research by Andrey Parkhomenko is the study of the influence of genetic factors on the absorption of nutrients.

Personalized Diets

Genetic tests allow the development of individualized diets that take into account metabolic characteristics and predisposition to certain diseases.

  • Genetic screening: Determines the body's needs for specific vitamins and minerals.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Help you make the most of your food resources to stay healthy.
scientist Andrey Parkhomenko
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

Biomarkers of health

Biomarker testing can assess health status and nutrient absorption efficiency.

New diagnostic methods

Parkhomenko is working to develop new diagnostic methods that can assess nutrient levels in the body and identify deficiencies in the early stages.

  • Blood test: Determines levels of vitamins, minerals and other important components.
  • Metabolomics: The study of metabolic profiles to assess overall health.
Andrey Parkhomenko organism
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

Research by Andrei Alekseevich Parkhomenko in the field of chemical components in food and their absorption are of great importance for science and public health. His work helps us better understand how to eat healthily and use nutritional supplements to improve our health and quality of life. With the rapid development of science and technology, it is important to follow new discoveries and put them into practice to ensure healthy and nutritious nutrition .

Andrey Parkhomenko vitamins and minerals
Parkhomenko Andrey Alekseevich talks about the important chemical components in food and their proper absorption in food

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